Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) testing focuses on how different electronic and electrical equipment operates in a wide variety of electromagnetic environments. EMC testing also looks into how electronic and electrical equipment interacts with other related equipment. 

It’s important to note that all electronic devices are capable of emitting electromagnetic signals. With the proliferation of electronic gadgets and components (such as mobile phones, TVs, radios, washing machines, cars, electrical motors, lights, GPS trackers, computers, traffic lights and many more) in our modern world, there is a need to check how these devices interact in specific environments.

EMC Testing – Why Is It Necessary?

Although not many ordinary people are familiar with EMC testing, the process itself plays a key role in how society functions on a day to day basis. EMC testing is of key importance to manufacturers of electronic and electrical products. There are various reasons for this. 

First, EMC testing helps to gauge how a product will perform once it is released into the market and begins to be used in different environments. No manufacturer wants their product to be withdrawn or recalled from the market because it did not meet EMC compliance.

Second, EMC testing is legally mandated by the Australian government for all makers and manufacturers of electronic products and components. This means that all manufactures of such products should make a point to learn more about EMC testing and compliance.

Why EMC Testing Compliance Actually Good

Government Requirements

There are set standards that manufacturers of electronic products and components must meet in order to pass EMC testing. The standards vary depending on the type of product and the environment it is intended to be used in.

To prevent the occurrence of EMC issues, the Australian government imposed strict laws that force all importers and manufacturers of electronic products and components to ensure their goods are electromagnetically compatible.

Compliance Labels And Markings

Products that pass EMC testing are required to be properly labelled using a special ‘CE’ Mark that is used to indicate compliance. The ‘CE’ label signifies that a product has met all the set standards in relation to EMC testing and compliance.

Manufacturers must take full responsibility when it comes to performing EMC tests for their products. However, in Australia, the ‘CE’ label should generally be replaced with the Regulatory Compliance Mark (RCM) label, as mandated by the Australian Communications And Media Authority (ACMA).

There are 2 main ways that manufactures can prove their products meet EMC compliance:

  1. Declaration of Conformity
  2. Technical Construction File

If these are not readily available, a manufacturer can defend itself by demonstrating that they have taken all necessary due-diligence and precautions (such as performing independent EMC tests) in a bid to protect consumers from experiencing EMC issues.

Why EMC Testing Compliance Actually Good

Why EMC Testing And Compliance Is Good For Your Business

Because EMC testing is a fairly technical concept, many creators and makers of electronic products and components may not be able to easily establish whether their goods are electromagnetically compatible.

The only way to be certain is to carry out professional EMC tests. These can only be done in a highly-controlled environment with the help of high-tech emissions and immunity testing equipment. 

Also, EMC tests may need to be conducted multiple times, especially where changes are made to the design or structure of the product in order to ascertain that a product is 100% compliant.

Having your product tested can save you a lot of time, money, and unnecessary inconveniences like product recalls and withdrawals. However, don’t let EMC compliance prevent you from launching your product into the market.

Electromagnetic Compatibility Testing – How Can We Help?

Compliance Engineering Australia can help you with all your EMC testing and compliance needs. We can help you meet all the government-mandated EMC regulations so that your products are full-certified and approved to sell on the Australian and global markets.

Please call us today at Compliance Engineering on + 61 3 9763 3079 or leave an enquiry.