List of EMC Standards for C-Tick Compliance

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The Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA) incorporates the listed standard(s) as mandatory standards under section 162 of the Radiocommunications Act 1992 as part of the ACMA’s Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) Regulatory Arrangement.

Suppliers must select an appropriate standard in column 2 of Part 2 of the table below as an applicable standard for a device.  If none of the standards listed in Part 2 apply to a device then a generic standard form column 2 of Part 1 becomes the applicable standard for that device.  The ACMA only mandates performance requirements in relation to emissions therefore compliance to standards within this list is only required to the extent that matters within the standard that relate to interference to: (a) radiocommunications; and, (b) any uses or functions of devices.

View the full list of standards suitable to show compliance for RCM here
(As at 25 February 2017)


Important notes:

Note 1: The expiry date of a standard refers to the date the ACMA no longer recognises the standard as an applicable standard for a particular device. Unless stated otherwise, for Standards Australia standards, the expiry date of these standards occurs 2 years after its replacement standard is published. For example, when an existing standard is superseded by a newer version, the existing standard will continue to be recognised as an applicable standard for a further 2 years after the publication date of the newer standard. After 2 years however, only the newer version of the standard is recognised. Suppliers should refer to Standards Australia website for relevant publication dates.

  • The Standards Australia website is available here.

Note 2: For EN, CISPR and IEC standards, unless stated otherwise, the expiry date of a standard is taken to be the expiry date published in the Official Journal of the European Union (OJEU).

  • The Official Journal of the European Union is available here.

Note 3: The applicable standard listed in column 2 is modified by any relevant notes listed in Column 10 of the table.

Note 4: In this version of the table some original columns have been removed as the information was not pertinent.  Original column numbers have been retained to align the table with the Radiocommunications (Electromagnetic Compatibility) Standard 2008.

Note 5: *For any standard listed with an AC, the ACMA will accept the test report with or without the AC as these are editorial changes